Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple

Situated in central Java Prambanan Temples is the largest Hindu temple compound in Indonesia. Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty built the Prambanan Temples in 850 CE. The temple got damaged soon after it construction. The Prambanan Temples compound was reconstructed in 1918. Reconstruction of the main building was completed around 1953. It may be mentioned here that Prambanan Temples has been declared as UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is one of the largest Hindu temples in South –East Asia.
A tall and pointed architecture is a typical sign of Prambanan Temples. Prambanan Temples has got a 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples. Prambanan Temples has got the biggest temple complex in Java. There are altogether 224 temples in the complex. The three main temples are Brahma Temple in the north, Vishnu Temple in the south and the Shiva Temple within the Complex. Prambanan Temples in Indonesia is regarded as one of the imperial temples in the South –East Asia. Prambanan Temples appears to be very beautiful shortly after dawn or before sunrise. A beautiful park has been designed especially for children and the rest of your family to play in and have loads of fun while enjoying the magnetic beauty of Prambanan Temple. There is also an archeological museum in the Prambanan Temples compound where you can learn about the ancient history of Prambanan Temples and all the surrounding temples and Wanabaya's discoveries. Built in the 9th century, the Prambanan Temples is a unique example of Hindu architectural traditions. It resembles the Hindu temples in many aspects. The sculptural reliefs adorn the walls of the Prambanan Temples depicting the story of Ramayana.

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Answer these question
Ø  What kind of text is it?
Ø  What is the purpose of the text?
Ø  How many times was Prambanan temple
Ø  Write the three main temples of Prambanan!
Ø  How tall Prambanan temple is? 

True or False
  Prambanan Temple is located in
East Java {        }
  Brahama temple is in the north {        }
  Prambanan Temples is a unique example of
Buddha architectural traditions {        }
  There are altogether 224 temples in
the complex {        }
  Rakai Pikatan is the first king of
Mataram dynasty {        }
  The high of Prambanan Temple is 47m {        }
  Prambanan Temples will be very beautiful
after dawn or before sunrise. {         }

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