Travel and Tourism
Ann Rowe, John D. Smith
and Fiona Borein
is travel and tourism? To use the example of the World Tourism Organisation
(WTO) – affiliated to the United Nations and recognised as the leading
international body on global tourism – tourism is:
the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places
their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure, business and other purposes.
World Tourism Organisation,
the people who are considered to be ‘tourists’, are those who are :
- Away from their normal place of residence for a period of up to one year (but will return home);
- Taking part in activities that would normally be associated with leisure and tourism;
- On a visit that is temporary and short term;
- Not necessarily away from home overnight as they could be on a day trip or excursion;
- Away from home but not necessarily on holiday, as they could be away on business.
There are three main types of tourism:
domestic tourism, incoming or inbound tourism and outbound tourism.
In order to assist people
with their travel arrangements, there are specialist travel service
providers. These include travel agencies who retail travel products
direct to the individual or groups and business travel agencies
who specialise in providing travel for the business customer or promoting
conference trade. Tour operators provide a package for the individual
and principals provide the basic services required by the travel and
tourism industry. It is possible to divide the components of the travel and
tourism industry into six key areas, as represented in Figure 1.
Social, Cultural, Economic
and Environmental Impacts of Travel and Tourism
Social and cultural impacts of tourism
Tourism may have many
different effects on the social and cultural aspects of life in a particular
region or area, depending on the cultural and religious strengths of that
region. The effect can be positive or negative on the host community.
Positive impacts on an area include such benefits as:
★ Local community can mix with people from diverse backgrounds with different
lifestyles which through ‘demonstration effect’ may lead to the development of
improved lifestyles and practices from the tourists’ examples;
★ There can be an improvement in local life through better local
facilities and infrastructure (developed to sustain tourism) which could lead
to better education, health care, employment opportunities and income;
★ More cultural and social events available for local people such as
entertainment, exhibitions etc.
However, tourism may have negative
effects on an area, such as:
★ The infrastructure (roads, railways, health care provision) may
not be able to cope with the greater numbers created by tourism;
★ Poor sanitation may lead to diseases for both tourists and local population;
★ Local population’s activities and lifestyles may suffer intrusion
from tourists leading to resentment towards tourists;
Economic impacts of tourism
The major benefit of tourism
for a region or country is economic as it provides an opportunity for job
creation and generation of revenue at international, national, regional and
local levels. Tourism can also benefit economies at regional and local levels,
as money comes into urban and rural areas which in turn stimulates new business
enterprises and promotes a more positive image in an area.
Environmental impacts of
An attractive environment
appeals to tourists, whether natural or built, and the development of tourism
in a locality will relate to the surrounding area. The term ‘environment’
refers to the physical setting in which tourism takes place – this could be
coastal resorts, historic cities, mountain ranges, picturesque villages, sites
of cultural interest including museums and national monuments – and which
provides the stimulus for travel.
Tourism itself will affect
the environment in both positive and negative ways. The following lists
summarise these effects:
The positive effects may include:
★ Increased investment in the area (may improve facilities, access
and enable development);
★ Conservation of features encouraged (buildings, wildlife,
★ Increased income for upkeep and preservation of facilities.
On the other hand, negative aspects
could include:
★ Appealing environment spoilt by over-development;
★ Local people displaced due to development of coastal resorts;
★ Damage to natural flora and fauna;
★ Scarcity or reduction in water supply/quality to meet tourism
★ Increased litter and waste disposal problems;
★ Greater air pollution and noise from overcrowded
facilities/increased air traffic
Word :
Leisure : waktu luang
Hire : sewa
Hire : sewa
Temporary : sementara
Resort : tempat beristirahat
Resort : tempat beristirahat
Excursion : darmawisata
Cottage : pondok
Cottage : pondok
Domestic : dalam negeri
Occupant : penghuni
Occupant : penghuni
Inbound : perjalanan pulang
Departure : keberangkatan
Departure : keberangkatan
Insurance : asuransi
Convenience : kenyamanan
Convenience : kenyamanan
Sustain : mendukung
Exhibition : pameran
Exhibition : pameran
Swap :
Provision : perbekalan
Provision : perbekalan
Appeal : menarik
Coastal : pantai
Coastal : pantai
Picturesque : indah
Wildlife : margasatwa
Wildlife : margasatwa
Source :
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Discuss these question
What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in your region?
2. Do you agree if your region be one of the place that the tourist like to visit it? Why?
Answer these question based on the text :
1. What is tourism?
2. What is travel agencies?
3. What is the negative and positive impact of tourism to the environment?
2. Do you agree if your region be one of the place that the tourist like to visit it? Why?
Answer these question based on the text :
1. What is tourism?
2. What is travel agencies?
3. What is the negative and positive impact of tourism to the environment?
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